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Join date: Dec 7, 2017


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Janettee McCrary is a former foster child who now raises awareness of the plight of current and former foster children, and advocates for changes in the child welfare system. She's also the biological mother of a child who was adopted from foster care, and shares her story in the hopes of changing the perception of biological parents from the child welfare system.

Her writing journey began as a small child, writing poetry, essays, and short stories... Both for school assignments and to cope with her life as a foster child. She moved up in the ranks to Student Editor of her high school newspaper, and shortly after high school joined The Oklahoman's "Newsroom 101" program.

She is the author of several poems, essays, short stories, blogs, and articles posted in various locations (online and off), including on The Examiner. She is a frequent guest on foster care blogs, and is currently writing her autobiography via her blog, Bruised Wings.

A small-town country girl from Collinsville, Oklahoma, she now lives in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma with her wonderful husband, Nathan, their two children, "Cat" and "Lex", and two extremely spoiled cats, Pantera and Chilly. You can learn more about Janettee here.

Janettee McCrary

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