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There are many ways you can make a difference in the lives of foster children today, depending on how much time, money, and energy you are willing and able to spend. Below you will find several ideas that you can implement any time you'd like.



Adopt a child through your local foster care agency. There are wonderful children just waiting for a family to love them!



If you can't commit to adopting, or would like to take time to find a child that's right for your family, you might like to try fostering. Contact your local child welfare agencies for information specific to their program.



If you are short on money but have plenty of time, volunteering is an excellent way to help! Contact your local child welfare agencies to find out how you can help. You can also check with your church to see if there is a foster family right in your church that could use your support.



Donations are always needed at shelters, nonprofits that support foster children, and for local foster parents. Donations can be money (always needed!) or goods: food, beds, toys, clothing, etc... Contact your local foster care agency, charities in your area that support foster children, or local foster families to find out what they need or if they can take what you have.



We can always use more people like you - not only to network and cross-post child and agency needs, but to spread awareness of the need for adoption, fostering, and support for the foster care community and the children it serves. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns!

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