Welcome to the Classifieds section of our site. Please be sure to use applicable hashtags responsibly. This ensures that your "ads" get found easily. Make sure to add photos, pricing, and anything else that might help sell your items, as well as links to contact you and/or pay for items.
You must own what you are selling. Do not post ads for friends. Please feel free to invite them to join instead and post for themselves ;)
Please do not post your home address. You may post a phone number, email address, a link to your Facebook account, or any other method to contact you.
Please link to outside sites responsibly. If we get reports of scamming/phishing sites we will ban you from the site and report to the appropriate authorities.
If you find any questionable posts, or have a problem with a person or company posting in the classifieds section that cannot be resolved by contacting them directly, please let a member of the admin team know. We will contact the person or company in question to determine what action is appropriate. We are only able to mediate; we have no authority to force any person to resolve complaints to your satisfaction.